What can i high alch and make money

What can i high alch and make money

By: Enkie Date of post: 22.06.2017

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Comments Comment by Daiga Supposedly creates Vial of the Sands which transforms you into a drake, and allows you to carry an ally on your back.

Don't know much about it now, but if it's half as cool as it sounds I'm going after this soon as Cataclysm hits. Comment by Credomane So will I. My paladin will have a reason pick up alchemy.

That just sounds too cool to be true though. Comment by McRaider The info about it at Mmo-champion's DB: Comment by markeriv Is anyone else dreaming of flying up high and then dedragonafying and then casting slow fall?

With an unsuspecting rider of course Comment by GilbertoGrape I think, more accurately, it teaches you how to transform into a dragon much like how reins teach you to ride a particular mount. Essentially, you drink it once, and you can transform forever. I could be wrong, but that's just how I interpreted it.

Comment by GilbertoGrape The way I'm reading it makes it sound like the potion is equivalent to reins. You don't drink the potion to transform, you drink it to learn the transformation and then you can transform forever. I was wondering how the riding work though. Is it going to follow the same rules as the Rocket mount? Comment by Breathlen No one can sit at my back! Do not dare to try dude! Comment by BoozeDude My druid is my alcehmist.

Comment by Slartibartfast Alchemy crafted mount 2 person. According to Ghostcrawler during BlizzCon ; this recipe will be very difficult to get and it should be considered a massive achievement. Probably after release someone will get this right away. Also hinted that every major profession should have a craft-able mount.

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Comment by Lordkingkobra Unless your unsuspecting passenger is aware of this, then decides to attack you into combat You have to be grouped to ride on someone who's using this mount. And since you cannot force a group member into combat by attacking, perhaps a druid can pull this off. Comment by Enokaz These are the mats I have formulated to acquire this mount, on top of obtaining the recipe which may or may not prove to be difficult. I would appreciate it much. You need Archeology to obtain the recipe, and it is extremely RNG.

I have heard it was obtained with an alchemy skill as low asthough it requires to make. This does seem a bit high, so I am hoping the rates I have are wrong.

Please post if you have better data on the rates. Comment by Ramsay The vial costs gold on the same vendor that sells the Sands of Time, upping the total cost to 29k for vendor materials only. Here's a screenshot of the vendor. Comment by Elitehammer sounds awesome.

Comment by Sixpac Ok, and where do you buy the recipe? Comment by Nessari You don't. Comment by Sixpac But there is no "Cataclysm Alchemy Research" yet, right? Comment by ChaosZereul So this basically combines aspects of the profession-only-flying-mounts we've seen thus far and the massively-expensive-vendor-mats that the bikes have, but sticks to the former in terms of availability. This sort of sucks. Comparatively, this mount is ten times as badass as any other Profession-created mount.

Hell, it's more badass than most mounts in the game period. It could just be my personal bias, but I'd hate to see this stay BoP. Give Alchemists their own mount, sure, but if you're gonna go to the trouble of making it a gold sink, let others invest in it as well, I say.

Who doesn't want to mount their friends! Comment by Ramsay Who wouldn't want to mount their friends indeed. Comment by XinR yes!.

Comment by chaendaer Maybe the recipe drops from Tiny Treasure Chest which you get from killing mobs while under the effect of Potion of Treasure Finding. And it only drops for Alchemists at Im only speculating and im sure it has been said before. Comment by waytofailself According to MMO champion and a GM, this recipe is received through archeology. NOT through some kind of alchemy discovery proc.

Source post with GM screenshot Get diggin! Comment by Shedim Only question I have: Comment by regma Then what about Scribes? Comment by techniquees Is this recipe only going to drop if you have Alchemy? Not to mention the amount of cry's you'd recieve from your guilds alchemy pro's. Comment by Millidor Maybe this has already been asked but, if this Alchemy Recipe is discovered by Archaeology which is a secondary specand lets say my two primary specs are not Alchemy, will I still be able to discover it or is there a mechanic in the game that only lets people who are Alchemist discover it?

Has anyone discovered this as of yet and if so, did they have Alchemy as a primary profession? Comment by Latias Yes the recipe drops for Alchemists only, but in fact you might think that it's discovery of some sort via alchemy This recipe drops Dunno if guaranteed From Canopic Jar Canopic Jar Which again is from Archaeology.

So those who have desperately been looking for this recipe, happy hunting! Comment by Millidor Is there a mechanic in the game that only lets people who are Alchemist discover it? Comment by Doraim Alright to get everything for this lovely Sandstone Drake you will need: Truegold To start off you will need 29,g for the Vendor materials.

Just like the Mechano Hog or Chopper. Thats 29,g in total for Vendor Materials Alone. Yasmin is the Innkeeper of the small camp near the Oasis of Vir'sar.

At the very top of Uldum. Now onto the Materials First off is the Hardest of them all. For this you will need: In total that is: Pyrium Bar x36, Volatile Fire x Volatile Air x Volatile Water x TIP: Or Alchemists can Transmute: Pyrium Bar Which requires 4 Elementium Bars and 4 Volatile Earth.

Now you need Flask of the Winds x8 In total for all 8 Flasks you will need. Elixir Masters might get more by chance. Elixir Masters might not need as much - Volatile Life x48 Can drop from all Herbs - Cinderbloom x96 Spawns near Fire: Twilight Highlands and Deepholm would be best - Whiptail x96 Spawns along the River only in Uldum - Crystal Vial x8 Can of course be bought from your Local Alchemy Supply Store, for about 80 copper Getting simple now Last thing we need is Deepstone Oil This is by far the easiest you could buy the Albino Cavefish x8 or if they are over-priced or you want to save money they are easily fished from Lakes in Deepholm, A good spot is called Silvermash and it is South-East of the Temple of Earth.

Reminder that you can exclude all of each Volatile Fire, Water and Air, and the Pyrium Bars if you in fact wish to buy the Truegold from the A. Its quite a feat to get all this stuff, having a maxed mining, Herbing, and Alchemist would really help here.

Thats all and Happy farming! About a week after I put this up Blizzard changed it to BoE I got mine last week So it does the animation, but no roar.

The passenger seat is glitched and if you have a passenger they will be seated underneath your mount in a mounted Animation, This is obviously another bug. Treat this more of a mount then a shapeshift, Its just a mount without a rider.

Comment by valkiirifire So, all these crazy expensive mats AND we have to "find" the recipe from archeology? Very misleading, it's been advertised all this time as an alchemy item, so one would have assumed you learn it in alchemy NOT archeology! Anyone know if there is a tabard for the folks that sell the vial and sand? Comment by Jamiejakov The Alchemy mount Vial of the Sands is no longer Bind-on-Pickup.

Comment by filip83 As from the December 14 hotfix, this is no longer bind on pick up. Comment by Atrea This item is no longer Bind on Pickup, and no longer requires Alchemy of any skill level to be used. Comment by futbol82 According to the Dec 14 hotfix, this item is no longer BoP. Comment by Kiingy I've been daily penny stocks to buy that this has a 7 day cooldown per craft.

Can anyone confirm this? Comment by rekstad95 So this awsm kickass mount aint BoP anymore And im a alchemist with missing gold Comment by Gamma scalping forex Random question, when people say it drops from archeo if you have alchemy, what level alchemy is required?

Comment by Theorw This Arch is a PITA. Cba to level yp Arh too Good thiing is it made me gather tons of g for the mats. At least it didnt hurt. I love how i can manipulate AH on items i prefer. BTW blizz should make the RECIPIE BoE and the mount BoP. So it will stay Alchemists mount only instead of EVERYONEs Plus more pppl would make some good g. Comment by Tirasmol I was given this today, as a Christmas gift.

I do not have Alchemy, and my Archaeology skill is currently I was able to use it, and have been flying people around all day. However, you DO need Alchemy in order to discover the pattern. The good news is that you can simply gather the materials and find an alchemist that has already learned the recipe and have him or her make it for you.

I'd start looking for it on the auction house soon, as well. Comment by AdamBomb roughly 60k on Khaz Modan. Comment by Skornaq Right, now that we are fully aware that the Mount is very, very hard to come by, I have some genuine questions. Anyone feel free to answer, please do not downrate, I hope some other people are asking the same thing.

Comment by thornmallow Could someone who has this mount answer a question for me? Comment by Dungeon Mats are not BOP, are tradeable. Goblins can make cash off this. Right now, two persons have the mount on that server. Needless to say, she managed to afford the mount by mining. She got 30k gold in three nights Do not try this at home, seriously. She also says that the only way to get it is to be very patient.

I'm also trying to get it, by mining and doing loremaster of Cataclysm. Right now, the parts I need is around 45k on AH. The action house prices should emerging markets stocks offer bargains significantly decreased by then. One of the easier ways to get this is by either being miner or alchemist.

While I'm farming the money by mining, I also manage to get some Volatile elements. I'll later have some alchemists make the truegold bars for me. I've got one thing left to say: Good luck in your farming, out there. Comment by Archijslv Got one of the first Vials on Talnivarr EU Buyable mats from vendor: Should become cheaper in the next weeks.

The mount is a bit buggy, yet looks and feels awesome. Good luck with yours! Comment egyptian stocks on nyse Scrumbee Just got this crafted a few ago.

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Comment by bringingchaos Pretty smooth volatility in emerging stock markets aggarwal for the cost. Fairly happy with it. The animation is a bit odd though. At one time, it had my guildie clipping through the model.

Comment by pandastar anyone sold one of these yet? Comment by Rahizzle Mount is bugged as well like the new drakes. When a player mounts on you they sit on your two front claws. Doesn't look too bad, almost as if you've picked them up.

The mount isn't registered as a vehicle either, so if earn money online without investment in hyderabad mounts on you, they can't get off unless you dismount or they log off. Comment by metroidhntr Druids have been doing that for ever since the new refer a friend rocket mount came out.

Comment by mewmewface ok so do i have to be max level archaeology to have a chance in finding it? Comment by rownd2 I have just receive my Sandstone Drake about 15 minutes ago and i can not umount because im so friken excited this is the coolest thing ive ever had and i beleive im the first person with it on my realm. Totally worth the 50k haha. Comment by HollowIchigo Asked a guild mate to craft this. Well now i have a Sandstone drake.

Also i've seen a person on my realm that sold 9 of those mounts. I guess he is rich now. Comment by ThaLunatik I see no mention of it in other comments, but Is this a bug?

what can i high alch and make money

It would be nice to see the rider actually sitting in the saddle on the drake's back. Comment by Stinkygenius Do goblins get a discount? That would be interesting to know. Comment by chillin Can you not trade this item? Comment by Demonluva Nice the cost REALLY hits home when you buy "The Sands of Time" from the Yasmin chick, the recipe requires 8 of them therefore 8x Comment by Giantgirl My question is: Is this considered a mount spell only and not a potion and therefore excluded from a multi-proc from Potion Mastery?

Comment by Hexxist Is this instant transform like druid? Comment by matros2l In my server this mount sells for 45kk. And it has nothing to do with transformation or anything its just a dragon mount Twilights Hammer Click to see image http: Comment by KnightProwler Important questions: Does this allow you to create things, such as enchanting scrolls, while transformed?

Is it instant cast? Why did it have to be a drake? Comment by c0h3n I have created a thread on the forums to collect the drop rate of Recipe: Vial of the Sands from Canopic Jar for alchemists.

Alchemists interested in contributing data can visit it australian binary options trading platform valuation. Comment by zoesgirls I bought the mount in early days, now I would like to farm the recipe. Atlas Loot shows that I "already know" this recipe, even though i do not have the recipe.

Any idea whether Blizzard would still let me find the recipe? Currently logged 4 days farming X! Comment by Skornaq The trading forex e gold now functions properly in the terms of other characters sitting on you properly as of 4.

They will now appropriately ride you Giggity whilst sat in your saddle, however it is worth noting that you will not -scale- in size when someone mounts you Giggity and in the case of some races, their head simply pokes out of the saddle.

what can i high alch and make money

Comment by shadra Still have a bug. Comment by behunter does the mount require alchemy to buying visa stock viis, or can anyone use it. Comment by taintedgump 5th jar opened! Comment by shackisadruid i have any easy way to get the gold for the mats.

Comment by Persesdagda I assume that this recipe cannot proc with any of the alchemy specs? Therefore vendor related mats cost: Comment by darkphoenixs I wonder, I would go for this mount only if its instant cast. Comment by Thortok Thortok's guide to getting a Vial of the Sands!

Two passenger flying mount. You actually transform into a dragon that has nobody sitting on your back, and can fly around that way or offer someone in your group a ride on your back.

Don't have to be an Alchemist to become a dragon. Do have to be an Alchemist and an Archaeologist to make a vial. Don't have to own one to ride on someone else. Gives an achievement to have it: Vial of the Sands. Alchemists Only Get to at least Archaeologyand Alchemy. Alchemists Only Continue to do Archaelogy on the Kalimdor continent, specifically Tol'vir digsites if possible, until you get Canopic Jar.

Alchemists Only Open your Canopic Jar and hope it contains a Recipe: Vial of the Sandsand if so, then learn it.

Repeat Steps 2 and 3 as necessary. While it is possible for glass balustrade systems recipe to appear even if you are not yet at Alchemy, it will only appear to Alchemists of a certain level of skill; so I recommend staying on the safe side and getting to Alchemy first.

You'll need it anyway to actually learn the recipe! Gather 12x Truegold8x Flask of the Winds8x Flask of Titanic Strengthand 8x Deepstone Oil. Hopefully you can figure out how to do this on your own. Save up gold or the following items: Pyrium-Laced Crystalline Vial will cost gold. These mats can only be bought from Yasmin in the far northwest of Uldum. Obviously, don't buy them for more than the listed price. The mats from Steps 4 and 5 will be used to make the vial.

If you are not an Alchemist, you what can i high alch and make money need to find one that has completed Step 3 and you'll have to give them the mats to make it. No other forms of discounts are currently known. If you do not have this perk, you can check the Auction House to see if someone who does is selling at a discount. Since it could potentially save you money, why not check? In order for them to confirm it was a scam, make sure the entire transaction is negotiated using in-game text chat so the GM can read the chat log and confirm that you have been scammed.

This 'scam protection' is provided for all forms of scams, including the 'give you the mats to make an item and you keep them and give me nothing' scam, as scamming is against the ToS! I recommend, for Alchemists making this for yourself, after you make your first one, check your realm to see if there's anyone willing to buy this for extremely high prices like, 60k or higher, perhaps even 80k. If you get enough profit, make another one and attempt to sell it. Keep going until you don't get any buyers for awhile, making and selling one by one, and then if you go a long time and can't sell your current one for a profit, THEN learn it yourself.

Comment by Jaycoop Djibrill's guide to getting a Vial of the Sands. Teach yourself AH scamming profession. Get yourself 35k gold with profession mentioned above. Buy Vial of the Sands for 35k gold from a guy that believes that all that farming was profitable. And if you can't scam your way to 35k gold in cataclysm you can always downvote comments on wowhead, yeah, that will compensate the pain: Comment by Isiwien I reckon crafting fees to be around g nowadays. Provided that the customer provides all materials.

There is no cooldown when creating the vials. You can spam your gold away! This is probably one of the best ways of transfering gold between servers. Keeping it in your inventory won't work. Vial of the Sands for learning to create this mount this is thought to have around 9.

Putting the finished mount on AH costs 7. RNG is however RNG, and only RNGesus can control it. The craft can NOT procc. All alchemists with the required skill can learn and craft it. Blizzard did not like the goblin racial affecting the price of this so they set the minimum price to: To eject a passenger, use the following macro: Comment by dankrope May be a dumb question, but does this proc mixology?

Comment by Isiwien As of this mornings rolling resets the Pyrium-Laced Crystalline Vial and Sands of Time does NOT work with Best Deals Anywhere. Seems like a hotfix. I'm now a sad panda. The prices are now set at andeven for goblins. However you can still get the guild discount bonus for a total of gold for the mats. Lets hope Blizz wont take that too. Comment by Ampelphase The Goblin Discount does not work for the Vendoritems anymore from now on.

Comment by twilightzero Can someone tell me if the person wanting to fly on the mount needs to have the flying skill trained. Comment by Isiwien The passenger does not need any kind of skill or level. You can fly with whoever you want as long as they are in your party: Comment by Jalanorian So assuming you get 1 Tol'Vir digsite every 30 min and about a 1.

Vial of the Sands - Spell - World of Warcraft

Comment by Frahaleah The dumb thing is, it takes a minimum of 12 days to make just 1 of them, since the truegold can only be made 1 a day. Comment by alphakilo23 Another notable thing about this mount is, that you can't use it in no fly zones, such as instances, battlegrounds, arenas, etc. You get the idea.

Comment by Rapunzelride it didnt drop for me D: Comment by Belhades dropped this from 2nd canopic jar nearly a year ago. Comment by brassband I have good, not exalted, rep with the Uldum faction, vials aresands are I got the recipe out of my first canopic jar.

Comment by WakemanCK Funny bug! Comment by noah some things to note if you have guild perks for the cost to go down this still will be around Comment by Bogdanov89 Very awesome mount, just made it for myself.

If anyone needs a crafter no fee just mail to Evangelyne on Outland EU. Comment by Coolmama My Dwarf Mage Vlindurtjuh has something to tell you, so I will let her: Those stories would tug on my heart strings like nothing had ever before, and would never after.

Against all advice and judgement I went to seek out this Vial, this elusive Recipe, that had defeated the toughest of explorers. I walked, rode, ate, drank and slept amongst Humans, Draenei, Gnomes, and others in search of this one item Sand, sand, sand, as far as my eyes could see.

Sifting through sand, breathing sand, coughing up sand, until my eyes fell shut and the night spread her starry blanket over me. The Recipe for The Vial Eternal fame and fortune Last night, as I was updating my journals, I found myself flipping the pages, back to my first Uldum Canopic Jar, more than 1 year ago.

Such a long time! I put my journal in my backpack, laid myself down, pulled my blanket over me, when suddenly I opened the flap to find no one there, just a piece of rock with a note slipped under it. How could I know? Unable to sleep, I decided to go for just one more dig After the Ruins of Khintaset, I was only 15 fragments short of opening another Canopic Jar, so I checked out the Broken Pillar Digsite in Tanaris, while impatiently hoping for another Uldum dig.

As I fumbled to fit the final fragment into the Canopic Jar I almost dropped it. When I heard it click into position I realized I had closed my eyes. It took a lot of effort to open them, and I saw Another Canopic Jar to be found?

A quick calculation told me that I would need not just One, but even TWO Tol'Vir Hieroglyphics! I threw whatever caution I had inside me to the desert winds My heart lept in my throat when I discovered not just One, but TWO hieroglyphics, it almost stopped beating when the 6th and last dig brought forth the EXACT amount of fragments to complete this Canopic Jar I forced myself to not even BLINK this time What my wide-open eyes beheld, turned my legs to Haggis and I fell to the ground.

The Sands of Uldum drank my tears, as my trembling hands held: Vial of the Sands" Comment by TheDr Just a heads up, as of patch 6. You will now need to pay full price for the vendor mats. Comment by byrdeen45 Vial of the Sands. Comment by Mypaladan Hello all just an update, I have been searching for the pattern on and of for a very long time.

I have now open 19 canonic jars with no success I will continue on as now it has become personnel. So for them that are lucky and find this pattern quickly I take my hat of to you, for the rest of us do not give up. Only question I have is does everyone have a chance of getting the pattern that meets the criteria or am I wasting my time.

Comment by Barleduq As of late in WoD, on Shu'Halo-Eitrigg linked realms, this is going for about k. Very close to not being worth selling, as 6k for your time spent gathering is really low. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed.

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what can i high alch and make money

Please review our Screenshot Guidelines before submitting! Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. It maintains a WoW addon called the Wowhead Looterwhich collects data as you play the game! It uploads the collected data to Wowhead in order to keep the database up-to-date! Canopic Jar Vial of the Sands Item Level 85 Mount Account-wide Use: Teaches you how to transform into a dragon, allowing you to carry an ally on your back.

This is a flying mount. Requires Level 80 Requires Expert Riding Sell Price: It has even been said that Walleye developed potions to mimic the drakes' physiology. Create Item Vial of the Sands. Tradeskill recipe Cannot be used while shapeshifted Generates no threat.

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